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Categories Pension
Created by Jane Wright
Created on Feb 6, 2024

NHS clients - pension GP1/SD55 issue

Part of the GP1 is the total EES and ERS pensionable pay for the month.

If an employee goes on maternity leave or sick leave, it is an NHS rule that the ERS pension contribution should be as though the employee was on normal pay so 14.38% of their normal salary.

I can adjust the ERS pension on the preview payslip to reflect the increased contribution but the GP1 still shows the actual pay received.

There is a column for EES pensionable pay and ERS pensionable pay on the GP1.

What I wanted to do was create a pay element purely to adjust pay for additional ERS pension contribution but there are no elements I can duplicate that will let me do this as I cannot switch off the Tax/NI.

This means I have to manually override the ERS on the preview payslip and the ERS pensionable pay on the GP1 will be wrong. This then throws up an error when the client gives the info to NHS pensions. The ERS contributions should agree to 14.38% of the ERS pensionable pay.

Describe the Challenge create correct GP1/SD55 reports
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  • Rachel Lovell
    Feb 9, 2024

    We have a similar issue where the pension not based on just salary but also an average of bonus for previous 3 months and we have had to put the pension contributions in as fixed amounts which mean that we need to remember to update them and keep a spreadsheet if there is a salary change. It would be great to have a pensionable pay field