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Paycircle Ideas Portal


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BIK via payroll YTD on payslips or Employee Benefit Statement requried

Include the YTD BIK via payroll field onto employee payslips or produce an annual benefit statement for employees showing Benefits processed via the payroll. Neither of these are currently available in paycircle and as a minimum the YTD should be ...
Helen Connell 21 days ago in BIKs 0

Enable amendment of the 'Available To' date in a company car benefit schedule

Issue The Available To date in a company car BIK schedule becomes read only once that BIK has been processed in payroll at least once. If it becomes necessary to alter this date, it is not possible to do so without stopping the existing schedule a...
Lee Pearson 21 days ago in BIKs 0

Be able to amend BIK schedules mid year & roll schedules forward into the next tax year

If someone's BIK changes mid year, you should be able to put a leave date in the schedule settings. Any balance should then be deducted/repaid over the remaining months. Any BIK schedules set up should also be carried forward into the new tax year...
Philip Johnson 7 months ago in BIKs 0

P11D Submissions

With Paycircle giving us the option to run P11Db's on the system it would be useful if we can also run P11Ds. Most other softwares that process BIK's often let you do both the P11D and P11Db. We might as well use one of there softwares rather than...
Guest 12 months ago in BIKs 1 Will not implement