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Paycircle Ideas Portal

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Calculate average pay for holiday entitlement

With holidays rates having to be calculated on average pay rather than basic hourly rates could Paycircle take all the earnings the person had and average their hourly rate across 52 weeks to get the rate we need to pay for holiday
Guest 5 months ago in Bureau 3 Planned

2FA at Client Level

Switch on for individual clients rather than having it on for the entire bureau
Minhaz Moosa about 1 year ago in 2FA 9 Planned

Pro-active responses to service outages

I feel compelled to address a recurring concern regarding communication during service issues. It is crucial for us, as your customers, to receive pro-active, direct, and accurate information when facing any system-related challenges. The recent i...
Michael McAllister 11 months ago in Collaboration 12 Planned

2FA for the Employee Portal

2FA should be a necessity in this modern world
Minhaz Moosa about 1 year ago in 2FA 4 Planned

Please add Rolled Up Holiday! Where is it

For holiday years starting after April 2024, it is possible to use Rolled Up Holiday pay whereby holiday could be paid at 12.07% on earnings.
Richard Costello 5 months ago in HR 0 Planned

Payment schedules for all statutory leave

Currently we are able to add schedules for SMP, SPP and SSP but nothing for ShPP or SAP. While it doesn't occur regularly there is still a need for it
Faye Fisher about 1 year ago in Statutory Payments 0 Planned

2FA reset available to 'Team Members'

Currently only 'Super Users' can perform 2FA resets, this should be available for 'Team members' also. Especially when they can send a message to support requesting a reset which then gets done ultimately defeating the object of the different perm...
Guest about 1 year ago in 2FA 1 Planned

Payment threshold per employee per period to be increased to math HMRC limit

Paycircle has a payment threshold of £9,999,999.99 per employee per pay period. However, HMRC limit is £999,999,999.99 per submission per employee. Could the payment threshold on Paycircle be raised to the level set by HMRC or increased to a a hig...
Guest 7 months ago in Pay Periods 0 Planned

Allow SSO login for all roles and per payroll

It allows all roles access levels to have SSO ability to specific payroll ( if you have more than one) as well as not be privy to bureau access.
Guest 10 months ago in SSO 0 Planned