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Paycircle Ideas Portal

Bureau Management

Showing 4 of 373

Ability to export list of companies with main details

There isn't a real option to export a list of companies at the bureau level as you are limited to 50 companies unless you do it after 6pm. It would be helpful to have an export option on the companies tab that shows the same level of detail curren...
Guest 5 months ago in Bureau Management 0

Global level for HMRC User ID and Password

Can I set up at a global level the HMRC User ID and password so you don't have to put it in on every client individually when setting up?
Jason Holden 7 months ago in Bureau Management 0

Billing report to report on payroll by paydate and not date processed

Billing is currently using the figures against when you physically processed a payroll rather than against the period it relates to.
Natasha Lichten 5 months ago in Bureau Management 0

When creating a new bureau admin, allow visibility to all payrolls

When creating a new bureau admin we then have to give visibility of every payroll - this can be time consuming when we have lots of payrolls, please can they just have visibility to everything and then we can remove any they dont need (or a box wh...
Shana White 6 months ago in Bureau Management 0