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Paycircle Ideas Portal


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Notes under each employee used for the bureau only and can be a repeat or on a particular month. Also allow this to relate to the month applicable.

Notes under each employee used for the bureau only and can be a repeat or on a particular month. Also allow this to relate to the month applicable. so, employer tell you in advance there will be cycle to work for an employee from a particular mont...
Guest 3 months ago in Team 0

More accessible Telephone support

I understand that more people can get serviced with chat, and often, little issues don't need a call, But when setting up the system for the first time, having access to a 1-2-1 call is so supportive. I had a recent interaction on the chat that wa...
paul weedon 3 months ago in Team set-up 1 Already exists

Remove Leavers from Business Categories and Totals!

If an employee, who was in a department or cost centre, leaves, then they remain part of the total for that department. Therefore the number of employees showing as the total os not the correct number of current employees but rather, the number of...
Daryl Stubbs 7 months ago in Leavers 1

The system to validate bank details

It would be useful if the system could validate bank details that are entered for team members, this would identify any errors prior to bacs being uploaded
Stacey Hicks 9 months ago in Team 1

Employees With Second Bank Accounts

Some of our clients have employees with second bank accounts that were being paid into as well. There is no option for this in the Bank Details in the employee record. This would be very helpful to have.
Loveday Blissett 7 months ago in Team 0

Generate Notifications when documents are uploaded to employee portals

I understand we can add external documents in to workers personal 'documents' folders, it would be a good idea to also be able to send a notification to the worker advising them a new document has been uploaded.
Guest 7 months ago in Team 0

YTD's page on new joiners

At the minute, when you add new payrolls on at the beginning of a tax year, even though employees are being added on the first pay period of the new tax year, you still have to fill out the YTD page which is pointless and a waste of time - the sys...
Jack Perdue 8 months ago in Team set-up 0

Force HMRC ID to match Employee ID

Paycircle is currently automatically creating HMRC IDs in the background. We are trying to align the number sequence with new employees within PeopleHR, but we are finding when new employees transfer across, the IDs are not always matching. Before...
Guest 6 months ago in Team set-up 0

P45s to be created for Leaving PAYE Rejoiners without Manual Intervention

All leavers on PAYE payrolls should have a P45 created. At present if an employee has rejoined the payroll and then leaves again the P45 is only created if you click regenerate. As there is a legal requirement to provide a P45 for all workers on a...
Ellie Simpson 12 months ago in Leavers 0

Accommodation offset to be included in NMW calculation

It would be useful to have a way to mark an employee where free accommodation is supplied, so that it can be taken into account with the NMW calculation, especially as there are legislated amounts that can be taken into account for the NMW calcula...
Guest 4 months ago in Team 0